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Police Constable convicted of killing teen gets parol

Constable James Forcillo during a court appearance. Photo Courtesy of Canadian Press

Accused murder and former Police Constable, James Forcillo, has been put on parol after serving less than two years of his six year jail sentence for the killing of an indigenous teen. Forcillo was first convicted 2016 for killing of 18-year-old-Sammy Yatim. The incident took place in 2013.

Yatim was shot seven times by Constable Forcillo for holding a knife on a street car in Toronto.

Images from the incident in 2013. Courtesy of the National Post

The Parol Board of Canada has determined that Const. Forcillo's time in prison has been "productive" and based on their assessment Forcillo agreed took responsibility of the incident and expressed remorse over Yatim's death.

The written decision by the board includes Forcillo agreeing that he should have spoken with the teen or waited for a higher ranking officer capable of using alternative methods, and that his decision to shoot first and talk later goes against officer training.

Sammy Yatim. Photo Courtesy of CBC News

Yatim's lawyer says the family wasn't informed ahead of time about Const. Farcillo's parol sentencing.

Forcillo will be moved to a community residential facility, also known as a halfway house, for 6 months. The location has not been released. but he has requested not to be in a community near Toronto.

By: Frankie Fiorini



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